Jamiyat Shirland Lane was purchased in the mid-seventies. The building was converted to a mosque.

Key people involved were Ch Muhammad Siddique, Ch Muhammad Sajawal, Ch Muhammad Ajaib, Ch Sandal Hussain, Ch Muhammad Ramzan, Master Rahmat Sahib, Master Subat Ali, Ch Abdul Rehman, Abdul Qayyum, Haji Muhammad Saddique, Ch Muhammad Iqbal, Janab Ch Wali Muhammad, Janab Ali Haider, Ch Karam Dad, and Haji Abdul Rehman.

Unfortunately Jamiyat Shirland Lane was destroyed by an arson attack.

A land exchange deal took place between Jamiyat and Sheffield Council. Jamiyat Shirland Lane was exchanged for some land adjoining Jamiyat Bodmin Street.


Mufti Munir Zaman Chisti and Hafiz Wazir Ahmad, Allama Abul Mahmood Nishtar.


In 1968, Janab Wali Muhammad, Ali Haider, Ch Karam Dad, Haji Muhammad Saddique and Ch Muhammad Iqbal managed to buy the church building which is now better known as Jamiyat Bodmin Street.

The trustees of the project were forced out of the mosque by a Deobandi Tablighee group. When Jamiyat Shirland Lane was established, the trustees became the active members. In 1976, with the support of the Jamiyat Shirland Lane and Jamiyat Southfield Sq BD8, the trustees approached the Charity Commission for  reinstatement. In a public meeting supervised by Charity Commission it was decided to establish Jamiyat Bodmin Street. New trust documents were approved by the Charity Commission for this purpose. Jamiyat Bodmin Street was being refurbished when Jamiyat Shirland lane was destroyed by fire. Jamiyat Shirland lane decided to join Jamiyat Bodmin Street.

Past and Current Imams

Hafiz Wazir Ahmad Noshahi, Hafiz Muhammad Rafiq, Qari Tariq Mahmood Mujahid Naushahi, Maulavi Gul Nawaz Chisti, Hafiz Muhammad Mehrban Sultani, Maulana Muhammad Rafiq, Hafiz Muhammad Akhtar and Hafiz Daud Patel.

Visiting Imams and Teachers

Hazrat Shah Arifullah Qadiri, Mualanla Shah Ahmad Noorani, Mualana Abdul Sattar Khan Niazi, Mualana Shah Faridul Haq, Mualana Abdul Wahab Siddiqui, Qamar al-Zaman Azami, Pir Fiazul Hassan Qadiri, Pir Allauddin Siddiqui, Hazrat Hasami Mian, Hazrat Madni Mian, Pir Syed Abul Kamal Barq Naushahi, Pir Syed Abdul Qadir Jillani, Mualan Syed Zahid Hussain Shah Rizvi, Mualana Abu Bakar Chisti, Mualana Shabbir Shah Hafizabdi, Maulana  Inayatullah of Sanghlahill, Mualana Hamid Ali Shah, Allama Arshad al-Qadiri, Allama Abul Mahmood Nishtar, Mufti Gul Reham Qadiri and Maulana Muhammad Saleem Naqashbandi.




There are plans to make further alterations to the building to make more space for the worshippers. The cost of the project is £50K -70K.

Your donations and support will be most welcome to sustain and maintain the building facilities and to continue the good services of the mosque and centre.

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